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What to Expect When you Hire a Front-End Developer
  • 04/Jun/2024
  • 12/Jul/2024
  • Lead Generation

If you recruit a front-end developer, it is a great investment for every type of business. It always aims to get a very attractive online presence. Nevertheless, a front-end developer is always charged with the responsibility of developing all the parts of a particular website or mobile application that the users are able to see and use. This includes envisioning the site and the way it looks its design, and the methods and ease of its use. Below are all the details that you should know when you hire a front-end developer.

Who is a front-end developer?

A front-end developer has so many responsibilities. If you choose the best software development and consultancy agency, you don't need to take responsibility. They focus on the “front-end” of the websites and applications that users are able to observe and likely to interface with. As such, their key purpose is to guarantee the smooth operation of the site for the users. 

Areas of Competency to Seek

  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: 

These are the essentials for any front-end development. While HTML defines the layout of the content, CSS gives the content a proper structure with styling, while JavaScript adds interactivity to the content.

  • Experience with Frameworks and Libraries: 

Frameworks like React, Angular and Vue. Js are currently an integral part of front-end development in many projects. These frameworks and libraries prove beneficial for developers in creating complex applications in less time. 

  • Responsive Design: 

The best front-end developer or an expert in software development must be able to develop a website that can fit all devices ranging from the big desktop screen to the small mobile screen. This is done using techniques such as Flexbox and media queries, among others.

  • Version Control Systems:

Such tools as Git for instance, must be well understood to enable version control and collaboration of code.

  • Cross-Browser Compatibility:

This means that the developer must test the website functionality across Chrome, Firefox, and other related browsers, including safari.

  • Performance Optimization:

There are many methods to improve Web performance, and overall, one has to make sure page loading time is as small as possible while the pages are fully functional.

  • Basic Understanding of SEO:

SEO should not be one’s main focus since it is not a main activity; however, it is sometimes useful to understand the principles of good SEO implementation.

The Hiring Process

  • Job Posting and Outreach: 

While writing down the job description, make sure that it is concise and clearly outlines the type of skills and experience you require for the particular job. They must know how to design user-friendly and attractive UI. Share this on popular job sites, social media platforms and professional communities. It is also important to engage recruitment agencies that focus on technology talent.

  • Reviewing Resumes and Portfolios: 

When starting with applications, search for the CVs that contain experience and skills sections. Check portfolios for review samples of works that the candidates have done before. Characteristics to observe here include the appearance, usability, and interaction of the projects completed by the team.

  • Technical Interviews and Tests: 

Do behavioral interviews to evaluate the candidates’ skills as well as their capability to tackle complex problems. You may also use coding tests or challenges to assess more on their practical knowledge. Consider the following when searching for individuals who are able to create well-structured, concise code and effectively communicate their decision-making.

  • Soft Skills Assessment: 

Front-end developers can easily communicate with several team members, including back-end developers and designers. They help to develop the best applications. Evaluate their ability in the areas of communication and cooperation. Specifically, you want colleagues who will be able to respond appropriately to feedback that is provided to them and also, be good team players.

  • Cultural Fit: 

One important aspect you should consider is that the candidate should be in harmony with the organizational culture and ethos. It can be as critical as having the technical know-how on the job or projects being undertaken. Hiring a candidate with values similar to your company promotes harmonious working relationships and the achievement of organizational goals in the long term.

Onboarding and Integration

  • Introduction to the Team: 

Ensure you introduce the new developer to his colleagues and all the other important personalities in the company. They are also able to learn who they are going to be interacting with and how the team runs.

  • Providing Necessary Tools and Access: 

Make sure you provide your developer with all the things they may need to begin and access to it. This involves the technical support such as the software, hardware, and documents as well as the systems involved. 

  • Setting Clear Expectations: 

Be very specific when relating your expectations to their duties and responsibilities and how you wish them to perform in the said positions. This assists in laying the background for their work and aids in creating a basis for what they should deliver.

  • Initial Training and Guidance: 

Initially, it’s important to set up time for knowledge sharing with new hires to introduce them to your coding environment, methods, and any applications or platforms you rely on. Appoint a tutor or partner who should accompany the new member through the first stage.

Communicating with Your Front-End Developer

  • Feedback and Reviews: 

Let them know what adjustments they should make to their work and also commend them on their endeavor. It is possible to supervise them once in a while and just notice that they might require some help and direction!

  • Collaboration Tools: 

Good to use other relevant channels like Slack, Trello, or JIRA to minimize the communication and attempt at project coordination. These tools help the management to foster communication and shared understanding among everyone while at the same time promoting accountability in regards to how every task is accomplished.

  • Encouraging Innovation: 

Remind your developer to make sure that you periodically bring him the news and information in the field. Software maintenance also has a huge input on this. It also important to note that the software maintenance has also made a great contribution to this aspect. Support them in their learning and educational upgrades by continuing with courses, conferences or a workshop.

  • Project Management: 

It is crucial to become precise with the goals and objective of the project, the time frame and the prediction of the result. Techniques like Agile or Scrum must be used because they are efficient approaches to how the work should be achieved and managed on a definite schedule.

Measuring Success

  • Quality of Work: 

To determine the level of orientation towards quality and usability of the work in question, one has to analyze the quality of code implemented in a project and the usability of projects delivered by the team. Keep an eye on production-grade code and check for the level of clarity and GUI interaction.

  • Timeliness: 

Thus, evaluate their capacity in the discharge of activities and timely delivery of the project. You need to ensure that your work is done on time to meet the goals of your business.

  • User Feedback: 

Gather feedback from the users, particularly concerning the accessibility and effectiveness of the website or application. This recommendation could not have been made at a better time because positive user feedback is a clear sign that a front-end developer has done his/her job well.

  • Collaboration and Teamwork: 

Notice whether or not the employees can effectively interact with other members of their team and work as a team. If people can work together in any team, in general, they can easily achieve the best outcomes than a single person.

  • Continuous Improvement: 

Always find a learning as well as striving and proving attitude to do better work. It is always very desirable that any front-end developer explores available techniques and resources to enhance performance.


Selecting a front-end developer is a huge expense for any organization that wishes to improve its online marketing capability. When you understand the role, define your requirements, and follow the proper hiring process, you will be able to hire a developer who possesses technical skills with an ideal team and organizational fit. Onboarding, the need to foster open lines of communication, teamwork and regular feedback is crucial in ensuring and maintaining a healthy working relationship. When choosing a front-end developer, you need to work with a specialist who will develop unique and convenient services to achieve the intended business outcomes.

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